โœง Hedgehog Triplets!

The siblings of the one and only, Sonic T. Hedgehog.

(A lot of reading ahead, so sorry.)

โ›งโ™ฅ Howdy, the name's Tex.โ›งโ™ฅ I'm 17 years oldโ›งโ™ฅ I go by They/Themโ›งโ™ฅ I am a MINOR so NSFW/Lewd accounts, kindly feck off.โ›งโ™ฅ 6 years of RP experience

โœง Sonic RP
โœง Non-canon portrayal of Sonic, Sonia, and Manic
โœง Not new to Verse, Character or RP
โœง New to Sonia, and Manic
โœง Non-Selective
โœง Friendly Writer! :3

Sonic- Always prepared to put his life on the line to protect others, be they friends or civilians, Sonic is a carefree spirit and a fearless daredevil at heart. He is driven by his own personal code of justice that compels him to respond to any form of evil, no matter how great or how overwhelming its threat is. This attitude sometimes gets him in trouble, but it also makes him the answer to evil anywhere and everywhere.Unlike most others, Sonic finds fun in fighting and thwarting evil, primarily in the form of Dr. Eggman and his empire. Even when locked in a battle to the death, Sonic cannot help finding excitement and entertainment in such situations.
Sonic is an optimistic individual; as mentioned by his friends, he always puts a positive spin on things. He thus refuses to give into despair, even when faced with a hopeless situation, although he has been known to drop his positivity in the darkest moments in favor of a more sympathetic outlook and somber mood.
Despite this, he never gives up and always fights to the end, believing firmly in the righteousness of his decisions and refuses to compromise his ideals and morals out of fear. Also, since he is a hedgehog of action and is constantly looking for new adventures and challenges for himself, having nothing to on an adventure will severely bore Sonic, and staying cooped up for too long tends to make him uneasy due to his hatred of confinement.
Sexuality: Straight and Aromantic
Age: 15
Species: Hedgehog
Alignment: Good
Medallion: Sonic carried a magical medallion capable of transforming into an electric guitar. This guitar could be played and also produce blue laser blasts and lightning.

Sonia- Sonia is one of the heirs to the throne of Mobius, who are prophesied to rule as the Council of Four. In order to fulfill this prophecy, Sonia was separated from her family shortly after birth. She was raised by the wealthy Lady Windermere until her unfortunate roboticization by Dr. Robotnik. Following the "song in her heart," she reunited her brothers Sonic and Manic.As she was raised with luxury and wealth, Sonia was originally quite high-maintenance, spoiled, and snotty. She hates getting dirty and constantly worries about the condition of her hair and clothes. Although she appears to be selfish, she is generally good-natured and helps those that are in need. Sonia is known to occasionally talk like a valley girl. Sonia always addresses her mother as simply "Mother" due to being raised in a polite society.Despite all this, Sonia has been shown to like performing daring acts, such as walking on a high brick wall. She is also very athletic, and appears to be good at gymnastics. Sonia is very self-sufficient and does not hesitate in taking on any threat or challenge that she may encounter, often coming out on top. She likes to think things through and on many occasions, has helped her brothers out of their own troubles (although she sometimes thinks of them as nothing more than pains). Sonia hates messy things like dirt and mud.Sonia is physically the strongest of her siblings. She is able to lift heavy objects as well as destroy barriers of various materials. She is skilled in martial arts, which she uses for offensive and defensive measures, and is also extremely agile. She does not have Sonic's speed, but is able to use the Sonia Spin, where she spins in a cyclonic manner. She also has a photographic memory.
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 15
Species: Hedgehog
Alignment: Good
Medallion: Sonia's medallion transforms into a keyboard synthesizer which is capable of firing laser blasts as well as creating smoke screens. The keyboard also transforms into a laser rifle which she uses to attack.

Manic- Manic was initially left on the doorstep of a house in the slums, placing him in the lowest role of growing up for the siblings: Sonic lived in an average home, while Sonia lived like a princess. When he was left behind by his mother however, Manic's basket was stolen - although the thief was unaware that it contained only a baby - and brought to the head thief Farrell, who trained Manic as a pickpocket in the sewers and on the streets of Robotropolis along with many other young street urchins.Manic is thought of as the "laid back" sibling, and often uses slang. He has a sort of "valley boy" accent. He shows some objection to his siblings criticizing his hard upbringing, and seems to show mild resentment that Sonia was brought up among nobility. He often contemplates that unlike Sonic and Sonia, he never really had a home, and the closest thing he had to family was the street urchins he was trained with. While Manic gets defensive when his old background is criticized, he grew up without ever feeling he had a real home until he met his siblings.While he was not brought up with close ties to the Resistance as Sonic was, he has many contacts among the lowest tiers of society. Manic also has a good sense of humor, and like Sonic, he's also a bit of a thrill seeker. He can get jealous of his sibling's special abilities; putting himself or others in danger by attempting to prove himself or doing things on his own.Manic is a kleptomaniac and thinks nothing of stealing from almost anybody regardless of their financial situation, because he had nothing while growing up. Though raised to be a thief, he is good-natured and has a distinct sense of moral standards, living by "Thieves' Honor"; the mentality that you should never steal what cannot be held, and he refuses to steal from any just as or more unfortunate than him. He usually uses the excuse that any money made off what he steals would be good for the Resistance. Both Sonic and Sonia frown heavily on his attitude. Manic can also be very blunt, once claiming that he always means everything he says.
Sexuality: Straight and Aromantic
Age: 15
Species: Hedgehog
Alignment: Good
Medallion: Manic possesses a medallion resembling a drum kit that doubles as a weapon. However, when used properly, his drum set can control the earth, creating seismic activity under Manic's direction, and fire lasers like those of his siblings. His cymbals can even reflect laser fire. According to the Oracle, his drums are the most powerful weapon of the three. He rides on a hoverboard, which also acts like a surfboard.

โ€ฃ Misgendering characters pronouns (Non-Binary characters)โ€ฃ Lewd/NSFWโ€ฃ Drama of any kindโ€ฃ Racism, offensive opinions, stereotypes, and language

ยฉ TexacoMexaco (TeamSoulStone). All rights reserved.